Sunday, December 28, 2008

Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Love in the Time of Cholera

I am safe in saying that Marquez' "One Hundred Years of Solitude" changed my life. Less a book than an experience, it was something that slowly pulled you in and allowed you to discover it page by page until you were just completely engrossed.

His next novel that I read was much like that. Completely different scenario, charachters and details, but it was clearly written by Marquez. Only he can string words so delicately, effortlessly, using the most precise and unbelievable details to bring his charachters to life. There are no plot points, antagonists of anything the like in the book; only the recollection of the lives of these imaginary people who feel and act like any one real person. Therein lies the draw of this particular novel, recounting the long story of three peoples lives and loves. It's the story of a love unrequited for half a decade, and like his most famous novel, it is melancholy, hopeful, uplifting yet heart-breaking in the finest way.

1 comment:

Sveta said...

You need to read Garcias "Memoirs of My Meloncholy Whores" Its awesome :D